The Social Studies Group is a creative social media intelligence and research firm sprung from traditional primary and secondary research roots, who has gracefully stayed step ahead in imagining new ways to use technology, business intelligence, and a little je ne sai quoi to provide insightful input to our clients. At our heart, we are a social media intelligence firm that specializes in complex social media intelligence and monitoring, issue and industry trend identification. And at our core, we are seasoned business people with vast experience in traditional and non-traditional research methodologies.
You want answers to hard questions to help improve your business and marketing strategies. We don’t offer cookie-cutter solutions; we strive to find the smartest, most creative and effective social media intelligence techniques to solve your knowledge and insight needs.
Our Name
Not so different from the subject we all took in junior high, it’s a way of viewing our world, exploring and uncovering insights to reveal preferences, cultural relevance, trends, patterns, and put it all in context.